Our e-toolkit offers valuable services and resources to boost your transformative digital pedagogical competences.
We provide a virtual learning space with access to a library of Open educational resources (OER) and Open educational practices (OEP).


The e-Toolkit with Open education resources (OER) and Open educational practices (OEP) aims at guiding the academic
community in the process of becoming ‘open practitioners’, that is, educators who can learn new technical skills, share
pedagogical ideas, learn from others, and adopt new approaches to creating materials.

The e-Toolkit produced by the TDP4HE team provides examples of open educational resources (OER) and open education practices (OEP) for transformative digital pedagogies. The e-Toolkit not only compiles resources for educators who are looking to use transformative digital pedagogies in their teaching practices but it also guides them in the process of becoming ‘open practitioners’, that is, educators who can learn new technical skills, share pedagogical ideas, learn from others, and adopt new approaches to creating materials. Following Downes (2011) we understand OER as “materials used to support education that may be freely accessed, reused, modified and shared by anyone”. We also embrace the idea that openness itself, rather than the resources alone, can provide benefits to the education community. That is why the e-toolkit also focuses on OEP defined as practices which “support the production, use and reuse of high quality OER through institutional policies, which promote innovative pedagogical models, and respect and empower teachers and learners as co-producers of knowledge” (ICDE, 2011). With this e-Toolkit we want to encourage OEP and by extension the production of content for open publication and reuse of transformative digital pedagogies, and we want to show academic teaching staff how to select and adapt OER based on different pedagogical criteria. This process will contribute to the professional development of academic teaching staff who will have the possibility to engage with other practitioners’ OER and OEP through the TDP4HE Open Community of Practice. The e-Toolkit can be accessed through the project's website and through the TDP4HE Open Community of Practice.

Date of update 02 septembre 2024