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  3. Goals


Develop digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity.

The TDP4HE provides a tool for self-assessment and identification of general pedagogical competences of academic teaching staff, and of their specific digital pedagogical competences at each stage of their career.


Develop digital pedagogies and expertise

By guiding academic teaching staff in the selection and implementation of transformative digital pedagogies and advising them on the use of transformative digital pedagogies and the design of innovative practices with the use of technology.


Stimulate innovative learning and teaching practices

The TDP4HE e-Toolkit with Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) compiles resources for educators and guides. Our on-line community of practice offers academic teaching staff the opportunity to interact with peers, exchange and spread good practices.

Promote active student-centred learning

The TDP4HE focuses on student-centred, autonomous learning that better meets the learning needs of students, while also being relevant for the labour market and for the wider society.


Reward excellence in learning, teaching and skills development

The aim of the TDP4HE project is not only to empower academic teaching staff with transformative digital competences, but also to raise awareness, in HE institutions and policy makers, about the need to reward the academic community who implement those pedagogies.
Date of update 24 avril 2023